Heaven's keys were not designed to remain in the safe confines of a local church. They were created to be used in the kingdoms of business, the arts, sports- wherever you are. There aren't just 7 mountains that God has given you dominion over, but hundreds of kingdoms great and small that need heaven, that need the anointing, that need you. As the light of the world, it is our mandate and mission to influence every earthly sphere of influence so that one day, "the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of God."
God wants you to identify your unique set of gifts, talents, and anointing so that you can influence the kingdoms that dominate this world. He wants you to possess the keys to unlock the kingdoms.
Can you imagine what that looks like? I believe that God's revolutionary principles will be revealed to you. Do you want to become part of His great strategy for this world? Do you know that He's calling you to overthrow the prince of the power of the air in order to establish His rule? The most amazing part of this is that He wants to do it through you.
God wants you to identify your unique set of gifts, talents, and anointing so that you can influence the kingdoms that dominate this world. He wants you to possess the keys to unlock the kingdoms.
Can you imagine what that looks like? I believe that God's revolutionary principles will be revealed to you. Do you want to become part of His great strategy for this world? Do you know that He's calling you to overthrow the prince of the power of the air in order to establish His rule? The most amazing part of this is that He wants to do it through you.